Returns is a scheme provided by respective sellers directly under this policy in terms of which the option of exchange, replacement and/ or refund is offered by the respective sellers to you. All products listed under a particular category may not have the same returns policy. For all products, the policy on the product page shall prevail over the general returns policy. Do refer the respective item’s applicable return policy on the product page for any exceptions to the table below.

The return policy is divided into three parts; Do read all the sections carefully to understand the conditions and cases under which returns will be accepted.

Part 1 – Category, Return Window and Actions possible

Category Returns Window, Actions Possible and Conditions (if any)
Lifestyle: Clothing, Footwear, Watches, Sunglasses, Fashion Accessories 2 days

Refund, replacement or exchange

Part 2 – Returns Pick-Up and Processing

In case of returns where you would like item(s) to be picked up from a different address, the address can only be changed if pick-up service is available at the new address

During pick-up, your product will be checked for the following conditions:

Category Conditions
Correct Product IMEI/ name/ image/ brand/ serial number/ article number/ bar code should match and MRP tag should be undetected and clearly visible.
Complete Product All in-the-box accessories (like remote control, starter kits, instruction manuals, chargers, headphones, etc.), freebies and combos (if any) should be present.
Unused Product The product should be unused, unwashed, unsoiled, without any stains and with non-tampered quality check seals/return tags/warranty seals (wherever applicable). Before returning a Mobile/ Laptop/ Tablet, the device should be formatted and Screen Lock (Pin, Pattern or Fingerprint) must be disabled. iCloud lock must be disabled for Apple devices.
Undamaged Product The product (including SIM trays/ charging port/ headphone port, back-panel etc.) should be undamaged and without any scratches, dents, tears or holes.
Undamaged Packaging Product’s original packaging/ box should be undamaged.

The field executive will refuse to accept the return if any of the above conditions is not met.

For any products for which a refund is to be given, the refund will be processed once the returned product has been received by the seller.

Part 3 – General Rules for a successful Return

  1. In certain cases where the seller is unable to process a replacement for any reason whatsoever, a refund will be given.
  2. During open box deliveries, while accepting your order, if you received a different or a damaged product, you will be given a refund (on the spot refunds for cash-on-delivery orders). Once you have accepted an open box delivery, no return request will be processed, except for manufacturing defects. In such cases, these category-specific replacement/return general conditions will be applicable. Click here to know more about Open Box Delivery
  3. For products where installation is provided by Swadeshi Dhaaga’s service partners, do not open the product packaging by yourself. Swadeshi Dhaaga authorized personnel shall help in installation of the product.
  4. For Furniture, any product related issues will be checked by an authorised service personnel (free of cost) and attempted to be resolved by replacing the faulty/ defective part of the product. Full replacement will be provided only in cases where the service personnel opines that replacing the faulty/defective part will not resolve the issue.

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