Security is a priority at Swadeshi Dhaaga.
and we make every effort to ensure that our transaction process is safe and that your personal information is secure.
Do Not Share Personal Information
Always Pay Via Swadeshi Dhaaga
Check your Seller’s Feedback
Identify False (Spoof or Phishing) E-mails
Report Phishing E-mails
Choose a Strong Password
Protect Your Passwords
Protect Your System
Do Not Share Personal Information
Swadeshi Dhaaga will never e-mail or call you to ask you to disclose or verify your Swadeshi Dhaaga. password, credit card or bank-account number, or any other personal information. If you are contacted or receive an unsolicited e-mail which asks you any of this information, disregard the request and report the incident to Swadeshi Dhaaga for investigation.
Always Pay Via Swadeshi Dhaaga Marketplace
Swadeshi Dhaaga Marketplace is safe, secure and guaranteed. It provides you with a convenient method of payment and is the only authorised and recognised form of payment on Swadeshi Dhaaga. You should never pay for a Marketplace item outside of the site.

If you are contacted by a seller requesting payment via another method, you should regard it as fraudulent and must report Items paid for outside Swadeshi Dhaaga Marketplace are not eligible for protection under the A-to-Z Safe Buying Guarantee

Check your Seller’s Feedback
Always check a seller’s feedback history before you order an item from them. This is the most important indicator of their overall quality and will give you information about the quality of their products, the speed and quality of their dispatch and delivery and their willingness to resolve transaction disputes.
Identify False (Spoof or Phishing) E-mails
If you receive an e-mail asking you for personal information or directing you to a site other than Swadeshi Dhaaga, or asking you to pay outside of Swadeshi Dhaaga Marketplace, it could be a “spoof” or “phishing” e-mail and should be considered as fraudulent.
Genuine Swadeshi Dhaaga e-mails come from an e-mail address ending “”. If you receive an e-mail in a different format i.e., you can be sure that it’s fraudulent.
Some phishing e-mails contain links to websites that contain the word “Swadeshi Dhaaga” somewhere in the URL but will take you to a completely different website. If you hover over the link you often can see the underlying URL which will be in a different format to those linked to within the Swadeshi Dhaaga sites.
If you click though on a phishing e-mail and are taken to a page looking like “Your Account” or anything that asks you to verify or change your personal details, you should consider it as fraudulent.

Report Phishing E-mails
E-mail and attach the e-mail you suspect is fake. By attaching the e-mail, we can more easily trace its origins.
If you cannot include the e-mail as an attachment

Choose a Strong Password

Use a different password on Swadeshi Dhaaga to what you use on other websites. If you need help remembering your password, write it down and keep it in your purse, wallet, or another secure location.
Use at least 8 characters.
Though it’s not a requirement, adding numbers or special characters to your password will make it even stronger. For example, the password “rivers 2! %” is a much stronger password than “rivers.”
Avoid passwords that are easy to guess, such as “secret,” “password,” “let Mein,” “Swadeshi Dhaaga,” or “123456.”
Avoid using only a dictionary word, your name, e-mail address, or other personal information that can easily be obtained.
Passwords are case sensitive. For instance, “RIVERS2! %” and “rivers2! %” are two different passwords. When choosing a password, remember the capitalisation you use, and make sure that the CAPS LOCK key on your keyboard isn’t turned on.

Protect your Passwords
Keep your passwords private; anybody who knows your password may access your account.
Avoid using the same password for multiple online accounts.
Always log out when you complete an online session on a public computer
Change your password periodically.

Protect Your System
Some phishing e-mails contain attachments and link to websites that try to install malicious software on your computer. Here are some ways you can help protect your system against these types of threats.
Install anti-virus or anti-malware software from a reputable company. Once it’s installed, be sure to run a full scan of your computer regularly. You’ll also want to run a full scan if you visit a site through a link in a phishing e-mail or open an unsolicited attachment. Please be aware that that there are many fake anti-malware products out there. Don’t install one from a website that tells you your computer is infected, as these warnings may be fake. Microsoft has free anti-malware software at

Check for and install updates for all programs on your computer. Run Windows Update if you have a Windows computer or Software Update if you have a Mac. We also strongly recommend that you make sure Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, and Java are all up to date on your computer.
If you’ve typed a password on a malicious website, change it on the legitimate website immediately. Select strong passwords of eight characters or more that include a variety of letters, numbers, and symbols. You can learn how to change your Swadeshi Dhaaga. password on our Help page about Your Password, E-mail and User name.
If you entered your credit card information on a malicious website or replied to an email with that information, immediately contact your credit card company. Many fake e-mail messages ask you to respond with your credit card number or click a link and type it there to “verify your identity.” If you did so, your credit card number may have been stolen and we recommend that you contact your credit card company to report it and get a new card issued. Don’t forget to update your card on Swadeshi Dhaaga afterward.

Never reply to unsolicited messages. Replying to phishing and spam messages only confirms to the sender that they have a valid e-mail address to send more spam and phishing to. If you want to unsubscribe from Swadeshi Dhaaga mailings, do so directly through our website instead of clicking a link in an e-mail.
If you’re a security researcher and you believe you have found a security issue within any of Swadeshi Dhaaga’s services, e-mail the details of your findings to security Swadeshi Dhaaga. Use PGP to protect the message by using our Public PGP Key. If you’re not reporting a security vulnerability, we’re unable to respond to your message

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